Customers Insurance

1. Customers Insurance

Safeguard your goods and protect your company by purchasing Cargo Insurance. During a voyage, unexpected events can take place leaving your cargo vulnerable to damage or loss. Forturn can provide every customer with cargo insurance to negate this risk and protect your company.


Benefits of Purchasing Cargo Insurance: 

Protects your investment 

Covers your goods for damage

Loss or delay shipper’s, owner, and consignee are protected Manages risk

Get In Touch With Forturn

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Contact Information


Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 9am-6pm 
Weekend – Closed


Shenzhen City 

Guangzhou City

Get In Touch With Forturn

Fill in the form below and our team will be happy to assist you

Contact Information


Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 9am-6pm 
Weekend – Closed


Shenzhen City 

Guangzhou City